
who are we

Dentec Company

Dentec is a Saudi company based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, specialized in developing clinic management software. Dentec was founded in 2004, using its experience of more than 15 years in the healthcare market with a full understanding of the needs of clinical practice and keeping pace with new trends in health information technology, we are committed to providing the best integrated solutions, enabling you to focus on what is most important, which is the care of your patients and grow your business. This is the power of ease. Our development department is located in the city of Riyadh, and we have complete control over our operations and our support is close at the click of a button.

Our products

Specialists in the development of clinic management programs. With more than 15 years of experience in the healthcare market,...

Clinic Management Programs

Pharmacy Management Programs

Claims and insurance

Business WhatsApp


Mobile application

Binding program

Electronic invoice

Programs that support the electronic billing system, which aims to transform the process of issuing paper invoices and notifications into an electronic process.

Dentch Healthcare Solutions

Specialists in developing clinic management software. Founded in 2004, Dentec, with over 15 years of experience in the healthcare market...

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years of experience

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Number of projects

Our services

Specializing in the development of clinic management software. With over 15 years of experience in the healthcare market...

Consultation visit

Add a report

Partial addition to the system

Neqaty service

Wasel service

Add an electronic declaration

Visit the technical support site

Additional training per hour

Online support

Connect with an external application

Our partners

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